Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sound Healing - Dielle Ciesco

We interviewed Dielle Ciesco last Saturday at her home, which part of a Habitat for Humanity community on the outskirts of Asheville.

Dielle is difficult to describe; she's like a little bundle of calm and joy. You can feel better by just talking to her. She has a new career as a Sound Healer, Vocal Meditation Instructor and is a member of the Asheville Life Coach Clinic. 

Dielle started her working life as a public school teacher but quickly realized it wasn't the right fit for her. Through a series of twists and turns, she became a student of a shaman in Mexico and studied several healing modalities. Since singing was always a source of joy in her life it became a part of her healing path. 

At the end of the interview, Dielle gave me a Sound Healing session. Usually, Greg is the one who gets to do this kind of thing while I stay behind the camera. But we had just given up smoking two nights before and I managed to get through a very stressful family emergency the day before. I needed it! The setting is similar to many massage therapists. I laid down on a comfortable table with silky linens while Dielle worked around and above me.

Now, I have a pretty open mind and I've tried a lot of alternative medicines and spiritual practices. There are a lot of lotus-eaters out there. But Dielle is the Real Thing. She asked permission to touch me during the session. I immediately trusted her and just let it happen. In the beginning, I felt a soft pressure inside my lungs (I hadn't told her about quitting smoking). Dielle used her own incredible voice, bells and hand crafted sound makers at different times in the session. Tightness and knots and other indescribable things in different areas of my body were released. There is a kindness, compassion and acceptance that Dielle imparts that let me go deeper and deeper into a meditative state. 

When the session ended, we reviewed what happened. I know it helped me and right now I get a little teary-eyed just thinking about it because it was so wonderful.

You can find out more about Dielle's work by visiting her website:

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